Pressure Sewer

What is the E/One Sewer System?

The E/One Sewer system is a pressure sewer system that is powered by E/One grinder pumps. A pressure sewer system uses small-diameter pipes and grinder pumps, which are often installed at each home. The grinder pump station collects all of the wastewater from the home and grinds it into slurry. The wastewater is then pumped to a larger sewer main or directly to a wastewater treatment plant.

What is the Difference between a Gravity Sewer System and a Pressure Sewer System?

While gravity sewer systems often use large mains that are installed in deep trenches, pressure sewer pipes may be as small as 2 inches in diameter and follow the contour of the land. These small trenches can equal huge savings.

Pressure sewer systems are used in areas where a conventional gravity sewer system cannot be installed, or is too expensive to do so. The land may be very flat, rocky, hilly, or wet.

Learn how E/One Sewer systems can benefit: