
BCR Solid Solutions

The CleanB® Process

Step 1 – Sludge Delivery

A WAS Pump feeds sludge at a maximum of 2% solids from the clarifier into the CleanB Process Unit at a monitored and controlled flow rate.

Step 2 – CleanB® Chemistry Injection

The Chemistry Injection System delivers a flow-controlled dose of chlorine dioxide through BCR’s patented Generating System. The system adjusts for variations in the sludge flow rate. BCR’s Generating System is an innovative method for maintaining the desired chlorine dioxide concentration. Dosing is handled automatically by the SCADA Process Controls to ensure optimal disinfection and odor elimination.

Step 3 – CleanB® Disinfection

CleanB chemistry mixes with the sludge stream in the Process Contact System, where disinfection occurs and odor-causing compounds are destroyed. The Process Contact System is a custom designed piping system engineered to fit compactly within a small footprint and provide the proper residence time for uniform disinfection. Upon exiting the CleanB Process Contact System, treated biosolids are delivered to the dewatering equipment without the need for any additional pumping.

Step 4 – Dewatering

Following CleanB treatment, Class B biosolids are dewatered using standard dewatering technology such as a centrifuge, screw press, or belt press. BCR can supply dewatering equipment, if needed. Or the client can use existing equipment or source its own dewatering equipment.

Step 5 – End Product Management

CleanB treated biosolids are a Class B biosolids product that is safe for land application as set forth by Title 40 CFR Part 503. As part of our Whole Solution offering, BCR can assume long-term responsibility for the transportation and end product management of material treated by a CleanB system. The biosolids can be land applied or used as feedstock at a compost facility. CleanB reduces odors in the end product. By eliminating odors, CleanB expands the number of viable land application sites to include locations with nearby residences.

CleanB® Benefits

Reduced capital costs: CleanB requires minimal upfront capital to implement, and BCR offers flexible project approaches that can even eliminate upfront capital costs. The CleanB system reduces infrastructure complexity by eliminating the need for digestion.

Reduced operating costs: The CleanB solution uses chemistry rather than energy to achieve Class B standards. The end result is a reduction in energy and polymer costs.

Reduced energy requirements: By eliminating the need for digestion and other energy-intensive systems, CleanB installations typically experience substantial energy savings, often reducing energy consumption by 90% or greater. Energy savings translate to operating cost savings and a reduced carbon footprint.

Improved dewatering of biosolids: CleanB installations typically experience improved biosolids dewatering, often achieving 20% dryer solids while requiring up to 30% less polymer.

Reduction of odor issues: CleanB effectively eliminates odor issues beginning with onsite treatment and continuing through transportation and end product disposition. CleanB chemical treatment eliminates odorous compounds by oxidizing sulfides, sulfates, and mercaptans.

Enhanced regulatory Compliance: CleanB simply and consistently meets U.S. EPA regulatory requirements for beneficial reuse of Class B biosolids in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 503. Class B biosolids are created in minutes vs. 30-40 days for digestion.

Upgradable: CleanB biosolids can be further treated to Class A/EQ standards through the CleanB-AC solution