Neutralizer Benefits
The Neutralizer delivers numerous key advantages over traditional Class A and Class B biosolids management technologies. The benefits of the Neutralizer system include:
Reduced capital costs: Neutralizer requires substantially less upfront capital to implement compared to other Class A biosolids management options. The Neutralizer system reduces infrastructure complexity by eliminating the need for digestion and sludge holding facilities.
Reduced operating costs: The Neutralizer solution uses chemistry rather than energy-intensive biological or thermal processes to achieve Class A/EQ standards. The end result is a reduction in energy costs, polymer costs, and sludge disposition costs.
Reduced energy requirements: By eliminating the need for digestion and other energy-intensive systems, Neutralizer installations typically experience substantial energy savings, often reducing energy consumption by 90% or greater. Energy savings translate to a reduction in the wastewater treatment plant’s carbon footprint.
Elimination of odors issues: Elimination of odors issues: Neutralizer effectively eliminates odor issues beginning with onsite treatment and continuing through transportation and end product disposition. Neutralizer chemical treatment eliminates odorous compounds by oxidizing sulfides, sulfates, and mercaptans.
Improved product quality: Eliminating digestion produces a more consistent end product and enhances nutrient retention in the biosolids. The Neutralizer also enhances dewatering, resulting in a high quality, higher % solids Class A/EQ product. Eliminating odors from the biosolids increases the appeal of the product and increases disposition options.
Enhanced regulatory compliance: Neutralizer simply and consistently meets U.S. EPA regulatory requirements for beneficial reuse of Class A/EQ biosolids in accordance with Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 503. Meeting Class A/EQ standards substantially expands the number of potential disposition options and creates the potential for producing a marketable, valuable end product that can be registered as a commercial fertilizer.