
Static Mixer

Static Mixer

The VortaFlo static mixer is a simple mixing device for blending two or more liquid streams or to enhance the mixing of powder chemicals into a liquid. The VortaFlo utilizes propriety nonmetallic mixing plates to accomplish the blending action.

The VortaFlo can be installed in a pipeline and used simply as a static mixing device, or with the addition of an injection quill to the mixing body, chemicals such as polymer, acids or caustic can be added and mixed into the fluid flow.


  • Flocculation
  • Polymer injection into sludge stream
  • Blending of chemicals
  • In-line pH control
  • Wastewater neutralization
  • Liquid-liquid dispersions
  • Fuel/oil blending
  • Catalyst additions
  • Dye blending
  • Dispersion of solids into liquid streams

  • Carbon steel body especially coated with a corrosion resistant epoxy (other materials of construction are available)
  • Nonmetallic, abrasion and chemically resistant turbulence inducing nozzle plates
  • Standard flanged inlet and outlet (other types of connections are available options)
  • Models include single and dual turbulent plates as well as extended mixing chambers
  • An injection nozzle is included in model VF-DI for adding chemicals into the mixing chamber


VortaFlo Flyer